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Ventilation Engineering &
Design Services
Optimal Ventilation for Manufacturing
Onsite ventilation assessment of leading-edge aerospace manufacturer to ensure optimal output of precision in-house manufacturing.
MSHA Mining & Heavy Manufacturing
Food & Agriculture
Temperature control for extreme conditions
Current project to investigate extreme temperature control in MSHA & heavy manufacturing workspace. The combination of heavy manufacturing heat sources and recent US Southwest heatwaves have created persistent elevated temperature in manufacturing environments. Mitigation techniques may include heat capture curtains, cool islands for personnel and other techniques associated with extreme elevated temperature control.
VOC Emissions for Coffee Roasting
Real time analysis using photospectrometry for monitoring the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the coffee roasting and grinding process including diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione including evaluation of controls & countermeasures.
Vapor Control for Dairy Producer
Air sampling to detect release of nitric acid HNO₃ and caustic soda NaOH during loading or storage.
Ventilation Assessments
Site Survey
Budget Estimate
Written Report
Hazardous Materials
Powder Mixing
Gas & Vapor Control
Temperature Control
Energy Usage
Pressure & Balancing
EES provides ventilation engineering assessments, design services and installation oversight for aerospace, food production, manufacturing, healthcare and pharmaceutical operations.
EES engineers develop plans and specifications, manage bids and vendors and ensure smooth delivery of turn key operations.
Ventilation Engineering Services

EES has been providing environmental health & safety consulting and engineering services for more than 25 years, serving healthcare, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, aerospace and higher education organizations across the United States and Canada.
President and Engineer Tom Petersen, P.E. has more than 36 years of environmental engineering, health & safety and process safety experience.
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