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What's Coming Down the Regulatory Pike?

Writer's picture: Tom PetersenTom Petersen

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

EPA’s semi-annual regulatory summary can help ensure you are aware of the issues that impact your facility. Recently, they’ve posted the Fall 2007 reports on-line. They are available in document format as well as a new searchable format (web-site links at end of article). The document is helpful because it includes a summary of EPA’s priorities. The searchable web-site is a recent improvement which enables you to focus on specific regulations.

Below are some highlights of issues identified as priorities at EPA. For further details please refer to the links at the end of this article.

  1. Office of Air & Radiation: This office will be focusing on regulations to reduce gas consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from cars. They are also working on reducing fine particulate matter and ozone pollution from mobile sources. In addition, it is anticipated that the revision to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone will be finalized shortly. EPA also recently published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking for standards for lead. They continue to evaluate the existing Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) regulations for residual risk and to work to streamline the New Source Review (NSR) regulations.

  2. Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances: This office is planning to issue proposals this year to establish/update data requirements for antimicrobial pesticides and plant-incorporated protectant pesticides. EPA will also be making improvements to the certification process for pesticide applicators. They also plan to finalize the procedures in their Endocrine Disrupter Screening Program and finalize a list of chemicals required to conduct an initial screening. Regulations requiring that contractors conducting renovation, repair and painting activities be trained, certified, and follow standards to minimize the creation of lead hazards should also be finalized. The office also continues to develop its program for High Production Volume chemicals and Nanoscale Materials.

  3. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response: Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations will continue to undergo revision. In addition, revisions to various rules to encourage more recycling are underway. This includes modifications to the definition of solid waste and treatment standards for hydrotreating and hydrorefining catalysts. EPA is also considering expanding the comparable fuels regulation to include emission comparable fuels. Finally, modifications to regulations for Laboratory Waste Management in Academic and Research Laboratories and for Cement Kiln Dust are underway.

  4. Office of Water: Regulatory changes underway include Effluent Guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations, a rulemaking on Water Transfers, a policy on permit requirements for peak wet weather diversions at publicly owned treatment works, and a NPDES permitting framework for operation of vessels.

This brief article can’t begin to cover the full details of these changes. Should you have an interest in a particular topic, please contact EES and we can investigate it for you.

PDF version of agenda on EPA’s website Searchable version of the regulatory agenda on web-page. You will need to scroll down and click on EPA’s link.

Number 46 part 1

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