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State Specific News - September 2007

Writer's picture: Tom PetersenTom Petersen

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Get bored looking through all those news updates from your state? We’ve done it for you! Below are what we felt were the significant regulatory updates for the past month.

New Jersey:

NSR: New Jersey has just published Revised Interim PM-2.5 (Fine Particulate) Permitting and Modeling Procedures. This is related to interim procedures for non attainment evaluations for NSR.

Remediation: A proposal was issued to require public notification of remediation of contaminated sites.

RACT revisions: New Jersey has issued RACT revisions to its State Implementation plan to help meet the 8 hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. This focuses on ways to achieve reductions of NOx, VOCs, PM2.5 and SO2.

Draft Readiness Checklist: New Jersey is developing a checklist for people to use to evaluate their project to determine if there is an environmental impact.


Draft Technical Guidance: Several draft technical guidances have been issued. This includes guidance on surface mining and blasting near utility lines, updates to the land recycling manual and guidance on how to evaluate Wastewater Discharges to Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams, Drainage Channels and Swales, and Storm Sewers.


MACT: Delaware proposes to adopt by reference the MACT standard for chromium electroplating and anodizing tanks. Also, it finalized the adoption by reference for the following MACT standards: halogenated solvent degreasers and aluminum sweat furnaces.

Number 42 part 2

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