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State Specific News - June 2008

Writer: Tom PetersenTom Petersen

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Get bored looking through all those news updates from your state? We’ve done it for you! Below are what we felt were the significant regulatory updates for the past month.


Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit: A general permit has been finalized for Earth Disturbances associated with Oil and gas exploration, production, processing or treatment operations and Transmission facilities.

New Jersey:

Proposed revisions to certification program for unregulated underground heating oil tank systems (UHOTs): NJ DEP proposed to readopt these regulations with the addition of a new section concerning professional business practices. The department is also proposing to limit over-site of remediation UHOTs so it can focus its resources on remediation of more complex systems.

Finalized Solid Waste Utility Regulations: Final amended rule includes some additional definitions and deregulates privately owned sanitary landfill facilities from traditional rate regulations.


Finalized Dry Cleaning Emissions standards for perchloroethylene (PCE): The regulation makes the standard consistent with federal regulations.

Number 49 part 3

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