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EPA Extends SPCC Deadline to Ensure Owner/Operator Comprehension

Heather Cummings

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extended the deadline for updated Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans by one year, making the new deadline November 10, 2011 for most companies. The change was announced on October 7, 2010, and affects all industries, with the exception of drilling and production/overwork companies on and offshore.

The EPA extended the compliance dates for organizations that are less likely to cause significant oil spills to ensure the owners and operators of those facilities fully comprehend the regulatory amendments. The extension also gives such organizations additional time to make any changes necessary to comply with the revised standards.

While the EPA did announce a one-year extension, the deadline for compliance remains. To read more about the SPCC Rule visit

SPCC Plans help in the prevention and management of oil spills, and require the services of a licensed professional engineer. EES consulting services for spill plans focus not just on oil, but on any other hazardous materials at your facility. The EES approach is in line with the Integrated Contingency Plan (ICP) process, and whenever possible, EES works with the client to streamline all emergency spill planning needs into one document.

Does your company’s spill plan meet the requirements?Contact Tom Petersen, at 215-881-9401 or, to find out!

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