Now that the holiday season is upon us, the new year is just around the corner. With the new year comes many changes, one of which homeowners in large portions of Pennsylvania will surely see when they open their electric bills. As of December 31, 2010 the current electric rate caps will expire for customers of PECO, Metropolitan-Edison, Pennsylvania Electric, and West Penn Power, and thus fees for homeowners are expected to rise.
Pennsylvania was among the first states in the country to be able to choose their electric provider. According to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), electric rates were capped under the 1997 Electricity Generation Choice and Competition Act to ease the transition to competitive markets. The PUC expects consumers’ rates to increase following the expiration, because while Pennsylvania rates have been capped the market prices for electricity have risen.
This means that it is more important than ever for Pennsylvania citizens to be aware of what other electric distribution companies (EDC) are charging. Consumers may be able to save money by selecting a competitive electric generation supplier (EGS), but either way conservation is going to be key to surviving the winter months.
While some monthly increase estimates are as low 4 percent, others guesstimate the increase will be closer to 30 percent. Regardless of the percentage increase, consumers should get used to paying more.
To learn more about the electric rate cap expiration visit the PUC website.
Please see our earlier post about our energy conservation and auditing services for healthcare, university, commercial, and manufacturing facilities if your facility may be impacted by these rate cap expirations.
Contact Tom Petersen to schedule your no-cost initial energy consultation or just to chat about energy management for your facility. We’ll point you in the right direction. Reach Tom at 215-881-9401 or by email at