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Una alternativa biodiversa y sostenible para la región: Finca Los Canelos en Costa Rica
*Este artículo forma parte de una serie de la consultora de EES, Hannah Fried-Petersen, que destaca proyectos que priorizan los esfuerzos...
Hannah Fried-Petersen
Mar 23 min read

A biodiverse and sustainable alternative for the region - Los Canelos farm in Costa Rica
*This article is part of a series by EES consultant Hannah Fried-Petersen, highlighting projects that prioritize environmental efforts....
Hannah Fried-Petersen
Mar 23 min read

Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: What to Monitor
The Inflation Reduction Act is driving rapid change and investment in the the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) space. Included...
Tom Petersen
May 5, 20233 min read

The New National Office of Environmental Justice: What to Monitor
On September 24th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the formation of a national Office of Environmental Justice:...
Tom Petersen
Nov 16, 20222 min read

The Inflation Reduction Act: What Facilities Managers Need to Know
When the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into federal law by President Biden on August 16th, it became one of the most impactful...
Tom Petersen
Sep 23, 20222 min read

More Sustainable Healthcare Operations: Trends and Recommendations
The expectation for professionals in healthcare to “do no harm” is expanding beyond the care of patients and into the care of the environ...
Tom Petersen
Sep 6, 20223 min read

Taking Advantage of Financial Incentives to Go Green
Many of us want to do our part in creating a more environmentally sustainable future. Even though we know the long-term pay-off will be...
Tom Petersen
Jul 8, 20212 min read

EES Receives Valuable Certification
The International Society of Sustainable Professionals (ISSP) is the world’s leading association for sustainability professionals. Almost...
Daniel Petersen
Feb 20, 20182 min read
EPA Announces New Grant Funding to Reduce Diesel Engine Emissions
Boston Medical Center is on pace to become the first hospital in New England to go carbon neutral upon completion of its building...
Andrew Rohrman
May 12, 20172 min read
PA DEP Announces New Drought Statuses for Counties
Running water only when necessary Shortening the amount of time you let the water run to warm up before you shower Running the dishwasher...
Andrew Rohrman
Apr 12, 20171 min read
The Future of Sustainability Incentives?
Over the past 15 years, federal and state governments have increasingly allocated more and more funds to developing sustainability...
Andrew Rohrman
Mar 31, 20171 min read
Infection Control? EES Can Do It!
Let the knowledgeable staff at EES craft your healthcare facilities’ infectious control plan the next time you’re renovating. Airborne...
Andrew Rohrman
Mar 27, 20171 min read
Hospitals Produce Too Much Waste, Specifically in Unused Supplies Does this sound familiar? Healthcare facilities...
Andrew Rohrman
Mar 21, 20171 min read
EPA Releases Report on the Benefits of Global Action on Climate Change
In late June of this year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a peer-reviewed report on the economic, health, and...
Allison Stalker
Jul 16, 20153 min read
Philadelphia’s Temple University to Receive EPA Brownfields Grant
Temple University in Philadelphia has been awarded funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the cleanup and reuse...
Allison Stalker
Mar 31, 20152 min read
Obama Designates Massive Marine Reserve
Last week, President Obama designated the world’s largest marine reserve in the Pacific Islands. The reserve will cover 470,000 square...
Allison Stalker
Sep 30, 20142 min read
Environmental Compliance Assistance for Hospitals
Managing pharmaceutical waste and conserving energy at hospitals and health care facilities are both difficult and time-consuming,...
Allison Stalker
Jun 24, 20142 min read
EPA Provides Grant to Philly
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administered a $200,000 grant to a Philadelphia nonprofit group this week to help train local...
Allison Stalker
May 29, 20141 min read
2015 EPA Budget Proposal
In early March, the Obama Administration proposed the Fiscal Year 2015 (FY 2015) budget for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ...
Allison Stalker
Mar 25, 20142 min read

Environmental Impacts of Hurricane Sandy
As the year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy passed, it is a good time to look at the long term environmental impacts of the storm as well...
Allison Stalker
Dec 11, 20132 min read

EES has been providing environmental health & safety consulting and engineering services for more than 25 years, serving healthcare, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, aerospace and higher education organizations across the United States and Canada.
President and Engineer Tom Petersen, P.E. has more than 36 years of environmental engineering, health & safety and process safety experience.
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